Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hey There! Long time no see. I realized that I haven't updated on here in a while. Luckily it's because I've been busy and not because I have had nothing to post. I have recently started an audition class at the Beverly Hills playhouse (in addition to the scene study classes I was already taken). I haven't ever really taken an audition class before, mostly because I hate auditioning, which is actually an excellent reason to take one I suppose. Anyways its proved to be extremely helpful and I have been going into all of my auditions lately making stronger choices and just having more confidence. So win in general.

Also I got into a new play! I didn't even have to audition, which is the best. The director saw me in Vampire Masquerade and just on the spot asked me to do it. The shows called "Murder can be Fun" and it's hilarious, right up my alley (or allie) ;) anyways it should be a lot of fun. Runs on sundays in November.

Today I had a great audition. It was for a character in my friend Bethany's web series, Part-Time Fame. My character was described as "scary Mary Poppins" and I got to sing "Spoonful of Sugar" in a most evil fashion. I had a great time just doing this audition regardless of whether I get it. Those are my kinds of auditions!

Anyways it's late and I have my audition class in the morning. Hope everyone is doing well.