Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hello my lovelies. I am currently in the process of adding music to my itunes library on my new computer. It's the most annoying process imaginable. I have to rename things, make all of my playlists. blah why can't I just plug the external harddrive in and it can do all the work for me, thanks! Ya I need a robot. Then I could do even less work than I do now. Did ya'll see that movie Wall-e? That was a very thoughtful movie. I don't think we are too far away from those people who never leave their chairs and their digital worlds. And guess where I am right now. In my digital world. Whoa. Didn't think this post was going to get so intense did you. Now you are going to be thinking all night huh?

I just thought that since I have to be on here anyways waiting for the stupid album artwork to process etc, I might as well do something productive. This week has been pretty good. i've already had a couple of auditions and I have 3 more over the weekend. This is also going to be my first weekend spent in LA since I moved here. That's pretty ridiculous huh? I'm excited! And Dave is going to help my shoot some of my reel...but I already told you guys about that. Need to start writing a good scene.

Oh in other good news I finally finished re-watching Buffy, so i can move on with my life!!!! Hurray!!!! Now I'll never need to watch TV again. Ya, I bet you totally believe that. You're you are who is reading this... (hi mom!)

Here's a question for all you avid readers out there. I need to do a scene in my acting class and I want to do a good comedy scene from a movie. Any ones you can think of that I would fit well? That would be super helpful! :)

Anyways, thanks for entertaining me while my music takes forever to load onto my computer, you guys are the best.



  1. Allie, I'm very sorry to tell you this, but your Mom is Not the only person who is going to read your musings. So am I...Mommy Aunt. Or
    Aunt Mommy..I can never remember who I am!

  2. awww, well mommy encompasses all mommies. both mommies and aunt mommies alike :)

  3. How about a skit from Saturday Night Live or a scene from There's Something About Mary?

  4. Wow, Daddies can read too! I thought of a scene from When Harry Met Sally. But I will give it more thought while I go walking.


    I don't have any scenes to suggest, but good luck at your auditions!

    Will you be in LA the last week of August? I'm passing through on my way home to Newps and would love to see you and go shopping or to the beach or something! I'm also home until Sept 23 so I hope we can see lots of each other in September!


